Category Archives: Meadville

Kicking off 2008 Right… Meadville style!

Our bedraggled band of delegates from the Tabernacle of David in Philadelphia returned early Sunday morning from a convocation of HOPs (houses of prayer) all over Pennsylvania. Special thanks to Dennis, Ralph, and the rest of the nameless, faceless servants and prayer warriors out there at the Altar HOP in Meadville.

Most of us out here in the city hadn’t really heard of Meadville (it’s on the opposite corner of the state, south of Erie), but the town is definitely known in the Spirit at this point.  Some really effective prayer went down last weekend there, which surely shall impact the Commonwealth.  Prior to that, this HOP has been praying for an impressive 8 years or so, with very little honor or recognition.

So for what it’s worth, all of us out here from the Philly delegation were completely slammed by your hospitality, welcoming spirit, and honor that you showed to us.  I think most if not all of us were unaware that people outside the region were praying for SE PA just as hard as we were. This blessed us tremendously, and warmed our somewhat hardened east-coast hearts. 🙂

So if you ever find yourselves passing through the region, give us a call and we’ll grab a cheesesteak! God bless you guys!  And for anyone from Philly reading this blog entry, we encourage you to come out with us to the next statewide meeting.